Saturday, January 25, 2020
Waterfall Model Lifecycle Model Information Technology Essay
Waterfall Model Lifecycle Model Information Technology Essay Waterfall approach was first Process Model to be introduced and followed widely in Software Engineering to ensure success of the project. In The Waterfall approach, the whole process of software development is divided into separate process phases. The phases in Waterfall model are: Requirement Specifications phase, Software Design, Implementation and Testing Maintenance. All these phases are cascaded to each other so that second phase is started as and when define set of goals are achieved for first phase and it is signed off, so the name Waterfall Model. All the method and process undertaken in Waterfall Model are more visible. Waterfall Model lifecycle modelE:PROGECTpicture]water fall model.JPG Figure 1. : Waterfall Model lifecycle model The stages of The Waterfall Model are Problem definition In this section, you give a short, general description of the system To be analyzed. This should contain a very short description of the Organization or the company for which the analysis is to be done as Well the reasons and advantages why the computerization is needed. The environment of the analysis being done is to come out clearly in This section Requirement Analysis All possible requirements of the system to be developed are captured in this phase. Requirements are set of functionalities and constraints that the end-user (who will be using the system) expects from the system. The requirements are gathered from the end-user by consultation, these requirements are analyzed for their validity and the possibility of incorporating the requirements in the system to be development is also studied. Finally, a Requirement Specification document is created which serves the purpose of guideline for the next phase of the model. System Design Before a starting for actual coding, it is highly important to understand what we are going to create and what it should look like? The requirement specifications from first phase are studied in this phase and system design is prepared. System Design helps in specifying hardware and system requirements and also helps in defining overall system architecture. The system design specifications serve as input for the next phase of the model. Testing As specified above, the system is first divided in units which are developed and tested for their functionalities. These units are integrated into a complete system during Integration phase and tested to check if all modules/units coordinate between each other and the system as a whole behaves as per the specifications. After successfully testing the software, it is delivered to the customer Implementation On receiving system design documents, the work is divided in modules/units and actual coding is started. The system is first developed in small programs called units, which are integrated in the next phase. Each unit is developed and tested for its functionality; this is referred to as Unit Testing. Unit testing mainly verifies if the modules/units meet their specifications. Maintenance This phase of The Waterfall Model is practically never ending phase (Very long). Generally, problems with the system developed (which are not found during the development life cycle) come up after its practical use starts, so the issues related to the system are solved after deployment of the system. Not all the problems come in picture directly but they arise time to time and needs to be solve hence this process is referred as Maintenance. Advantages of the waterfall model The advantage of waterfall development is that it allows for departmentalization and managerial control. A schedule can be set with deadlines for each stage of development and a product can proceed through the development process like a car in a carwash, and theoretically, be delivered on time. Development moves from concept, through design, implementation, testing, installation, troubleshooting, and ends up at operation and maintenance. Each phase of development proceeds in strict order, without any overlapping or iterative steps. Needless to mention, it is a linear model and of lessons, linear models are the most simple to be implemented. The amount of resources required to implement this model is very minimal. One great advantage of the waterfall model is that documentation is produced at every step of the waterfall model development. This makes the understanding of the product designing procedure simpler. After every major stage of software coding, testing is done to test the correct running of the code. Prototyping Throw-away prototyping Throwaway or Rapid Prototyping refers to the creation of a model that will eventually be discarded rather than becoming part of the finally delivered software. After preliminary requirements gathering is accomplished, a simple working model of the system is constructed to visually show the users what their requirements may look like when they are implemented into a finished system. C:Documents and SettingsNIFRASDesktop1.JPG Figure 1.1: throw away proto typing Incremental Prototyping The final product is built as separate prototypes. At the end the separate prototypes are being merged in an overall design. C:Documents and SettingsNIFRASDesktop3.JPG Figure 1.2: Incremental Prototyping Evolutionary Prototyping Evolutionary Prototyping (also known as breadboard prototyping) is quite different from Throwaway Prototyping. The main goal when using Evolutionary Prototyping is to build a very robust prototype in a structured manner and constantly refine it. The reason for this is that the Evolutionary prototype, when built, forms the heart of the new system, and the improvements and further requirements will be builtC:Documents and SettingsNIFRASDesktop2.JPG Figure 1.3: Evolutionary Prototyping Advantages of prototyping Proto types make an ideal tool for defending discussing user interaction User can understand a prototype far easier than most of the standard base of communicating requirements in the form of the model Prototypes very quickly resolve misunderstanding between biasness manager analysis Disadvantages of proto typing Leads to implementing and then repairing way of building systems. Practically, this methodology may increase the complexity of the system as scope of the system may expand beyond original plans. The Spiral Model The spiral model, also known as the spiral lifecycle model, is a systems development method (SDM) used in information technology (IT). This model of development combines the features of the prototyping model and the waterfall model. The spiral model is intended for large, expensive, and complicated projects. The steps in the spiral model can be general as follows The new system requirements are define in as much detail as possible. This generally involves interviewing a number of users representing all the outside or internal users and other aspects of the existing method. A preliminary design is created for the new system. A first prototype of the new system is constructed from the preliminary design. This is usually a scaled-down system, and represents an approximation of the characteristics of the final product. A second prototype is evolved by a fourfold procedure: evaluating the first prototype in terms of its strengths, weaknesses, and risks; defining the requirements of the second prototype planning and designing the second prototype constructing and testing the second prototype. At the customers option, the entire plan can be aborted if the risk is deemed too great. Risk factors might involve development cost overruns, operating-cost miscalculation, or any other factor that could, in the customers judgment, result in a less-than-satisfactory final product. The existing prototype is evaluated in the same manner as was the previous prototype, and, if necessary, another prototype is developed from it according to the fourfold procedure outlined above. The preceding steps are iterated until the consumer is satisfy that the developed Prototype represents the finishing product desired. The final system is constructed, based on the refined prototype. Advantages of spiral model The spiral model is a realistic approach to the development of large-scale software products because the software evolves as the process progresses. In addition, the developer and the client better understand and react to risks at each evolutionary level. The model uses prototyping as a risk reduction mechanism and allows for the development of prototypes at any stage of the evolutionary development. It maintains a systematic stepwise approach, like the classic life cycle model, but incorporates it into an iterative framework that more reflect the real world. Disadvantages of spiral model à à 1. Highly customized limiting re-usability à à 2. Applied differently for each application à à 3. Risk of not meeting budget or schedule à à 4. Risk of not meeting budget or schedule C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopspiral model.png Figure 1.4: spiral model Rapid Application Development (RAD) Methodology what is RAD? RAD (rapid application development) is a concept that products can be developed faster and of higher quality through: Gathering requirements using workshops or focus groups Prototyping and early, reiterative user testing of designs The re-use of software components A rigidly paced schedule that defers design improvements to the next product version Less formality in reviews and other team communication Advantages of RAD Early visibility Greater flexibility Standardized look and feel Increased user involvement Buying may save money compared to building Disadvantages of RAD This method may not be useful for large, unique or highly complex projects This method cannot be a success if the team is not sufficiently motivated and nor is unable to work cohesively together. Success depends on the extremely high technical skills of the developers. C:Documents and SettingsNIFRASDesktopproto type.jpg Figure 1.4: RAD model Dynamic System Development Method Dynamic System Development Method is another approach to system development, which, as the name suggests, develops the system dynamically. This methodology is independent of tools, in that it can be used with both structured analysis and design approach or object-oriented approach. Advantages of DSD An importance on testing is so strong that at least one tester is expected to be on each project group Sets stakeholder expectations from the starts of the project that not all requirements will make it into the final deliverable Has specific approach to determining how important each requirements is to iteration Disadvantages of DSD Access to material is controlled by a consortium, and fees may be charged just to access the reference material Probably the most heavy weight project compared in this surveyC:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopdynamic-system-development-method.jpg figure1.2.1: DSD method During the below given reasons I have chosen Waterfall Model for this project It is a linear sequential model It is very simple model to implement Easy to use It is the first model. It needs very few resources to implement Suitable for small projects Water fall model: This is very simple model. It moves like water fall from top to down of SDLC. The drawback of this model is ineffectiveness of verification and Validation activities. TASK 02 The water fall modelE:PROGECTpicture]water fall model.JPG The water fall stages Problem definition Requirement analysis System design Coding testing Implementation Maintenance 1. Problem definition In this section, you give a short, general description of the system to be analyzed. This should contain a very short description of the Organization or the company for which the analysis is to be done as Well the reasons and advantages why the computerization is needed. The environment of the analysis being done is to come out clearly in this section 2. Requirement Analysis All possible requirements of the system to be developed are captured in this phase. Requirements are set of functionalities and constraints that the end-user (who will be using the system) expects from the system. The requirements are gathered from the end-user by consultation, these requirements are analyzed for their validity and the possibility of incorporating the requirements in the system to be development is also studied. Finally, a Requirement Specification document is created which serves the purpose of guideline for the next phase of the model. 3. System Design Before a starting for actual coding, it is highly important to understand what we are going to create and what it should look like? The requirements specifications first phase are studied in this phase and system design is prepared. From System Design helps in specifying hardware and method requirements and also helps in defining overall system architecture. The system design specifications serve up as input for the next phase of the model. 4. Coding Testing As specified above, the system is first divided in units which are developed and tested for their functionalities. These units are integrated into a complete system during Integration phase and tested to check if all modules/units coordinate between each other and the system as a whole behaves as per the specifications. After successfully testing the software, it is delivered to the customer 5. Implementation On receiving system design documents, the work is divided in modules/units and actual coding is started. The system is first developed in small programs called units, which are integrated in the next phase. Each unit is developed and tested for its functionality; this is referred to as Unit Testing. Unit testing mainly verifies if the modules/units meet their specifications. 6. Maintenance This phase of (The Waterfall Model) is in effect never finish phase (Very long). Commonly, difficulty with the system developed (which are not found during the development life cycle) come awake later than its practical use start, so the issues related to the system are solved after deployment of the system. Not all the problems come in images directly but they arise time to time and needs to be solve hence this process is referred as Maintenance. 7. Specification Specification is the first step in the process. In this stage, companies find a problem they want to join and think of a viable result. They then write down the solution on paper and move on to the next stage in the waterfall standardization Testing includes verification and validation 1. Verification: Are we building the product right. 2. Validation: Are we building the right product 1. Validation Am I building the right product? Determining if the method complies with the requirements. And perform functions for which it is intended and meets and is performed at the finish of the project. Am I accessing the right data (in terms of the Data? Required to satisfy the requirement) High level activity Performs after a work product is produced against Established criteria ensuring that the product integrates correctly into the environment. Determination of correctness of the final software Product by a development project with respect to the user Needs and requirements. 2. Verification Am I building the product right? The review of interim work steps and interim Deliverables during a project to ensure them are Acceptable. To determine if the system is consistent, Adheres to standards, uses reliable techniques and prudent Practices, and performs the selected functions in the correct manner. Am I accessing the data right (in the right place; in? The right way) Low level activity Performed during development on key artifacts, like Walkthroughs, reviews and inspections, mentor feedback, Training, checklists and standards. My Opinion about This Task with Victoria Hospital The Victoria Hopital has some problems. The 1st problem is the victoria Hospital at presnt does not use Computer and not asystem to save data and details Appointment details, patient detail and payment detail. 2nd problem is cant V.H take a details in time of important.That problam is some time May be loss detail in physical fils so the V.H is face these problems becaus we can analysis requirements to the V.H those are need to V.H a good system to save details datas secent is the method should preparednes easy good to hendal to the operaters. 3rd problem is the implementations should have to a good system. 4th is give a good knowledge to operates.these implementations are want to V.H those are A Server Machine 5clients, 1GB Ram, or 512MB ,Laser Printer Dot matrix printer Bar code reader and the knowledge given by system supporters to Operater. Want to Operaters condect with system supporters and the system supporters must mainten the problems of system in time ofcoming problems. TASK 03 Data flow diagram Data flow diagrams can be use to provide an understandable representation of any business function. The system starts with an overall image of the business and continues by analyzing each of the functional areas of interest. This analysis can be carried out to precisely the level of detail required. The technique exploits a system called top-down expansion to conduct the analysis in a targeted way. C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopdfdg.JPG Figure 1.2.2: data flow diagram Process Processes show a transformation or manipulation of data flows within the system. The symbol used is a rectangular box which contains 3 descriptive elements: Firstly an identification number appears in the upper left hand corner. This is allocated arbitrarily at the top level and serves as a unique reference. Secondly, a location appears to the right of the identifier and describes where in the system the process takes place. This may, for example, be a department or a piece of hardware. Finally, a descriptive title is placed in the centre of the box. This should be a simple imperative sentence with a specific verb, for example maintain customer records or find driver. Data flow A data flow shows the flow of information from its source to its destination. A data flow is represented by a line, with arrowheads showing the direction of flow. Information always flows to or from a process and may be written, verbal or electronic. Each data flow may be referenced by the processes or data stores at its head and tail, or by a description of its contents. External entity An external entity is a source or destination of a data flow which is outside the area of study. Only those entities which originate or receive data are represented on a business process diagram. The symbol used is an oval containing a meaningful and unique identifier. Data storage A data store is a holding place for information within the system: It is represented by an open ended narrow rectangle. Data stores may be long-term files such as sales ledgers, or may be short-term accumulations: for example batches of documents that are waiting to be processed. Each data store should be given a reference followed by an arbitrary number. DFD context level diagram (0 level diagram) E:my project level df (1).jpg Figure 2.2.1: DFD context level diagram DFD 1st level E:PROGECTdrawing diagram dfdDrawing2.jpg Figure 2.3.1: DFD 1st level E:my project level df (5).jpg Figure 2.3.2 E:PROGECTdrawing diagram dfdDrawing4.jpg Figure 2.3.3 E:PROGECTdrawing diagram dfdDrawing5.jpg C:Documents and SettingsALLAHDesktop level df (11).jpg Entity relationship diagram C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopdfd4.JPG Entity A person, place, object events about which we need to compare store data are called as entities E.g. students, book, department Relational ship A relationship captures how two or more entities are related to one another. Relationships can be thought of as verbs linking two or more nouns. Relationships are represented as diamonds, connected by lines to each of the entities in the relationship. Relationship instance-link between entities (corresponds to primary key-foreign key equivalencies in related tables) Relationship type-category of relationshipà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦link between entity types Attributes Attributes are the properties of entities relationship in other attributes is used to describe entities relationship in the ER diagram an entity has many attributes there for it needs to identifier. A key is attributes, group of attributes which we can use to identify an entity uniquely. Entity types E:my projectpicture]dd.jpg ERD diagram for Victoria hospital system D:tt.JPG Appointment to Patient One patient must have one appointment this is called one to one relationship and this is mandatory One appointment must have one patient this is called one to one relationship and this is mandatory Appointment to GP One GP have many appointments this is called one to many relationship and this is optional One appointment must have one GP this is called one to one relationship and this is mandatory Appointment to nurse One nurse have many appointments this is called one to many relationship and this is optional One appointment have many nurse this is called one to many relationship and this is optional Appointment to treatment One treatment have many appointments this is called one to many relationship and this is optional One appointment have many treatment this is called one to many relationship and this is optional Treatment to clinic One treatment have many clinic this is called one to many relationship and this is optional One clinic have many treatment this is called one to many relationship and this is optional E:my project1235.jpg TASK 4 Requirement specification NO Requirements BSO 1 BSO2 BSO3 BSO4 BSO5 1 Register patient Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ 2 Invoice the patient Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ 3 Inquiring handling â⠬à â⠬à Ãâà »Ã¢â ¬Ã â⠬à â⠬à Ãâà » â⠬à Ãâà » â⠬à Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ 4 Accept patient ordering Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ 5 printing debater report Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ 6 Medical laboratories Ãâà » â⠬à Ãâà » â⠬à Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ 7 Arrange the delivery Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà » â⠬à Ãâà » â⠬à Ãâà » â⠬à Ãâà » 8 Printing a patient report Ãâà » â⠬à Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà ¼ â⠬à Ãâà » â⠬à Ãâà ¼ Business system option (BSO) The set of Business System Options which is compiled so that a selection can be made. The selected Business System Option is a description of a chosen system development direction. The description documents the system boundary, inputs, outputs and the transformation taking place within the boundary. Essentially, the description is textual with supporting products such as Data Flow Diagrams, a Logical Data Structure and a Work Practice Model Technical system option (TSO) The set of Technical System Options which has been developed so that the system development direction can be chosen. Each option documents the functions to be incorporated and details implementation requirements. Each description is textual with some planning information. Functional elements are taken directly from the Requirements Specification Logical System Specification NO requirement TSO1 TSO2 TSO3 TSO4 TSO5 1 Visual basic 2007 Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ Ãâà » Ãâà » 2 Windows 2003 Ãâà ¼ Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ 3 Java J2SE Development Kit (JDK) 5.0 Ãâà » Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ 4 CCT camera Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ Ãâà » Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ 5 A Server Machine Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ Ãâà » Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ 6 Firefox 9.02 latest version Ãâà » Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ 7 5 clients,1GB Ram,80GB Ãâà ¼ Ãâà » Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ 8 SQL Server Ãâà ¼ Ãâà » Ãâà » Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ 9 Windows 2007 Ãâà » Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ 10 Laser Printer Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ 11 Scanner Ãâà ¼ Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ 12 Credit Card reader Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ 13 JDBC 3.0 compliant driver Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ 14 IIS Server Ãâà » Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ 15 Dot matrix printer Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ Ãâà » Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ 16 Wi5 connection Ãâà » Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ 17 Win 2003 server Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ Ãâà ¼ 18 Barcode reader Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ Ãâà » Ãâà » Ãâà » 19 Credit card Ãâà ¼ Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ Ãâà » Ãâà ¼ . TASK 5 Fact-finding technique Interviews Questionnaires Observations Sampling Record-searching Fact-finding technique Fact-finding is a main activity in system investigation. In this chapter, the functioning of the method is to be understood by the system analyst to design the proposed system. Different methods are used for this and these are known as fact-finding techniques. The analyst needs to fully understand the current system. The analyst wants data about the requirements and demands of the project undertaken and the technique employed to gather this records are identified as fact-finding techniques. Various kinds of techniques are used and the most popular with them are interviews, questionnaires, record reviews, case tools and also the personal observations made by the analyst himself. Each of these techniques is additional dealt in next pages. Two people can go into the same area to gather facts and experience entirely different results. One spends weeks and gets incomplete and misleading data. The other is finished in a few hours and has complete and solid facts. This session outlines some of the things a person can do to achieve the latter. It covers: Interviews Interviewing is the one of the most common method in fact finding. It bring the analysis Into a direct contact with the users where he gets an opportunity to listen in to the opinion (advantage disadvantages) about the existing system also to identify the issues propose solutions the new system Interview is a very effective fact finding techniques. But the main problem is that it requires a lot of resources, especially time. So it is very important to plan the interview before hand the analysis is required to have considerable amount of skills Interview needs a start from the top level management to get permission also get an overview idea about the total system. Then the interview process can be move to which will provide more more specific details Interviews are not required to find out how exactly a system should work, but it needs to deter mine the needs of the users that we have to satisfy with a new system. The success of the interview depends upon the skills of the interviewer the preparation for the interview. Choose the person who is mostly appropriate for the interview Preparation for the interview Setting a proper date, and time ,venue the topic Correct sequence of questions These factors should include in an interview plan before conducing it. There are 3 types of questions usually asked in an interview Open questions Closed questions Probes questions Open question general questions that relates with the personal view on the subject Example-à à what do you think of .? à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à What is your opinion of ? à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à How could . be improved. Advantages à Puts the interviewee at ease. à Permits extra questioning into area that was not anticipated during interview scheduling. à Provide detail. Disadvantages à interview may get off the track (i.e. the interviewer lose control of the interview) can be time-consuming, particularly if the interviewer is experience Closed question > question that is needed direct answer
Friday, January 17, 2020
Islamic Banking Essay
Islamic Banking is interest free banking, in which there is no fixed rate of return. Islamic banking is the banking system which is run in accordance with the Islamic laws and the Shari aââ¬â¢ board; that guides the institutions. This Shari aââ¬â¢ board authorizes the products that whether these are Shari aââ¬â¢ compliant or not. Islamic banking is the banking that is guided by Islamic law (Shari aââ¬â¢) principles and guided by Islamic economics. In particular, Islamic law prohibits usury, the collection and payment of interest, also commonly called Riba in Islamic discourseâ⬠. Islamic banking also finds its roots in Islamic finance and all type of transactions are interest free of risk sharing. The interest is probihited in Islamic ways of banking as it is also obvious from Quran. In Quran, in Sura Al-Iman, Allah said that; ââ¬Å"O you who believe! Do not devour Riba multiplying it over and keep your duty to Allah that you may prosperâ⬠(3:130). Same kind of prohibition regard fixed interest is also lead in sura Al-Rum(39), Al-Nisa (160-161) and Al-Baqarah (275-281) of Quran. Riba and Gharar are illegal under Islamic law. Riba refers to fixed rate of interest. Gharar refers to fixed rate of interest. Gharar refers to speculation. Islamic banking shows dramatic improvements and developments in Pakistan. Islamic banking is taken as national policy and it is supported but there exist dual banking structure in the Muslim countries. Mostly the banks of conventional system are also opening their separate Islamic banking divisions and branches. The expectation of increase in growth of networking of Islamic banking system is increasing. The Islamic banking has increased in terms of branches, deposits, capital funds, sources. The ratio of income to expenses is high which indicates increasing profitability of the sector. Riba in Hadith ââ¬Å"Every loan that derives a benefit (to the creditor) is ribaâ⬠. (Hazrat Ali Radi-AllahuAnhu). Abu said al Khudri Radi-AllahuAnhu narrated that Holy Prophet ( peace be upon him) said: ââ¬Å"Gold for gold, silver for silver, wheat for wheat, barley for barley, dates for dates, and salt for salt, like for like, payment made hand by hand. If anyone gives more or asks for more, he has dealt in Riba. The receiver and giver are equally guilty. If the creditor received a goat as mortgage from the debtor, the creditor may use its milk to the extent he has spent in providing fodder to the goat. However, if the milk is more than the price of the fodder, the excess is riba. ââ¬Å"Usmani, para 99). For Usamah ibn Zayd : ââ¬Å"There is no riba except in nasiââ¬â¢ah (waiting). ââ¬Å"Bukhari, Kitab al-Buyu, Bab Bay al-dinari bi al-dinar nasaââ¬â¢an, ( : 386); also Muslim and Musnad Ahmad). There is no riba in hand-to-hand (spot) transactions. â⬠(Muslim, Kitab al-Musaqat, Bab bayââ¬â¢I al-taââ¬â¢ami mithlan bi mithin; also in Nasaââ¬â¢i). What is the significance of Islamic Banking in a post recession world? Islamic banking is gaining popularity in emerging markets after helping some financial institutions avoid the worst of the economic meltdown. Islamic banks have been less affected than many conventional banks in the current global recession. This is mainly because unlike conventional banks, the Islamic banks have not been exposed to losses from investment in toxic assets nor have they been dependent on wholesale funds since these practices are not in accordance with the principles set out in the Sharia Law. Moreover, recent years have already indicated that there is an interest in Islamic banking beyond Islamic investors. The UK is one of the leading centres for Islamic banking in the world, yet only 5% of its population is Muslim. And lastly, governments and regulators in a variety of countries have already recognized the importance of Islamic banking as a feasible alternative to conventional banking. The global recession brought about by the collapse in credit supply saw many of the globally accepted models of investment disappeared almost overnight with the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008. It is well accepted that the credit crunch was essentially caused by gambling and inadequate regulation. The radical change in the investment dynamics of the market and a clear question of the morality of the investment industry signify a clear turning point in the development of regional and global investment markets. That will provide new boost to the already burgeoning Islamic private equity and venture capital industries. Thus, surely a system in which gambling is banned, where everything must be backed by tangible assets should be significant in a post recession world. In this era of scarred savers and investors, everyone shall move their money over to this low-risk system. A post-crisis market is more realistic and searches for an ethically based approach to investment. The new investment markets, after the crash, will see a growing demand for a far more partnership approach to private equity and venture capital investment. In private equity, the investor shares both the risks and the rewards, which replicates the basic principles of Islamic investment. Even before the full attack of the global downturn, the characteristics of Islamic private equity and venture capital ensured the sectors enjoyed increasing attention from regional and global investors. The merger of companies, as a means of meeting the operational and strategic challenges of the economic downturn, will show a growing demand for a far more partnership approach to private equity and venture capital investment. Islamic investment should be made on the basis of partnership and investment also to be made in largely infrastructure-orientated projects, such as transport, energy, healthcare and education, as these sectors not only offer asset backed investment but also long term investment into societies. Thus, in the post recession world, where the market and society is demanding that the investment industry provide a responsible form of investment, Islamic private equity and venture capital are both ideally suited to meet this demand.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
North Korea Has No Ambition for Nuclear Proliferation...
There has been an increase in the support of taking forceful actions towards North Korea which has seemed to be unpredictable in its steps and decision taken especially in terms of security. It has maintained its stand on the nuclear arsenal and other programs associated to it, creating a threat to the security of the whole region and the whole in general (Kim, 2002 pg.6). It has also refused to involve itself in any form of negotiation making the other nations abandon further negotiations and are determined to take some forceful action against it. I greatly disagree with the stand of forceful cause of action being taken against North Korea and the withdrawal of any further talks. The involvement of the North Korea in the nuclear planâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦It has emphasized in economic policies and relations which some of these nations that show more interest in the economic policies than political interests. This is a great indicator that North Korea given if not taken as a threat by these international can help improve their economic policy and activities from the interactions. The economy of North Korea is well structured to favor their economic activities. There is existence of a monopoly system in such an economy that allows for strict scrutiny of economic policies applicable there. Therefore there is no way North Korea will be a treat to the rest of the international nations when it is allowed to carry on with nuclear programs. In the recent past North Korea has revealed its nuclear ambitions where it can be recognized as a nuclear weapons producing state. This can be linked to its gains into the economy. This emphasizes on the role of a larger trading market and investments. The outcome generated from the sale of these nuclear weapons can be reinvested back to the economy to increase the general productivity. By North Korea involving itself in large production of nuclear weapons say for example for these international nations it will also improve the conditions in the economy that enable a smooth production process. In the other hand if North Korea is taken as a threat to the other nations which areShow MoreRelatedSino-North Korean Alliance899 Words à |à 4 Pagesthe DPRK is economically dependent upon the Peopleââ¬â¢s Republic of China (PRC), Kim Jong-unââ¬â¢s military ambitions have further strained the Sino-North Korean alliance. Starting in the 1950s, the PRC has economically and politically supported the DPRK, but upon Kim Jon-ilââ¬â¢s 2009 nuclear weapons test, the PRC has shifted roles from supporter to punisher. 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Today it is the last example of a single nation divided between two states, represents the longest division of ideologies, and is the archetype of enduring Cold War symptoms. Although small in size, The Democratic Peopleââ¬â¢s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has been the biggest obstacle to regional stability in Asia, its militant and hostile policies posing a threat not only to western aligned nations, but also to its former andRead MoreNuclear Case Study985 Words à |à 4 PagesBLUF: The nuclear proliferation of the Democratic Peopleââ¬â¢s Republic of Korea (DPRK) presents a serious threat to the stability of the East-Asian region. Heavily reliant upon the Peopleââ¬â¢s Republic of China (PRC) for economic and diplomatic support, the United States (U.S.) must construct a strategic agreement with the PRC to pressure the DPRK into non-nuclear proliferation to assure stability within East-Asia. The DPRKââ¬â¢s increase in the display of military force, including 30 ballistic missile testsRead MoreCase Study Of The Iran Nuclear Program1603 Words à |à 7 PagesThe current IAEA inspections to verify compliance of safe nuclear activities under the NPT do not provide timely enough detection to safeguard against military conversion by countries such as Iran. SOLUTION: The United States uses the Iran Deal and its attempted strengthening as the mechanism to modernize IAEA safeguards for all countries in order to save the NPT. BACKGROUND: The issues that have been encountered with the Iran nuclear program are symptoms of a larger problem when it comes toRead MoreNuclear Weapons During The Cold War2117 Words à |à 9 Pages Since the invention of nuclear weapons, they have presented the world with a significant danger, one that was shown in reality during the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. However, nuclear weapons have not only served in combat, but they have also played a role in keeping the world peaceful by the concept of deterrence. The usage of nuclear weapons would lead to mutual destruction and during the Cold War, nuclear weapons were necessary to maintain international security, as a means of deterrenceRead MoreNuclear Proliferation and Its Negative Effects1798 Words à |à 8 PagesNuclear Proliferation Affecting The World in a Negative Way For the past thirty years, Iran and North Korea have been trying to develop and design a nuclear warhead, nowadays; American spies say that Iran has built a Uranium enrichment plant on Qum. Uranium enrichment is the hardest step in order to produce nuclear weapon, and North Korea has already tested nuclear weapons the past years. This is a way to prove that nuclear proliferation keeps increasing in the world and this could balance theRead MoreNuclear Weapons, Biological And Chemical And Biological Weapons1871 Words à |à 8 Pages As many scholars have suggested, Libyaââ¬â¢s renouncement of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons shows us a possible solution for the so-called rogue regimes including North Korea. North Korea presumably continues to possessing nuclear, biological and chemical weapons programs and continues to develop its nuclear program to the extent that the Democratic Peopleââ¬â¢s Republic of Korea (DPRK) conducted its fifth nuclear test. Experts warn that DPRK can reach its capacity to complete its Inter-ContinentalRead MoreNorth Korea and Human Rights Abuses1692 Words à |à 7 PagesIntroduction In the wake of the inquiry into North Koreaââ¬â¢s Human Rights Abuses published in February 2014 by the United Nations Human Rights Council, there has been a large global focus on the abuses of human rights by the rogue state. The inquiry, which compares the North Korean regime to that of Nazi Germany (Kirby, Darusman, and Biserko, 2014), has generated widespread global discussion about the conditions within the totalitarian state, and for the international community it is difficult to dismissRead MoreThe North Korean Invasion Of South Korea1939 Words à |à 8 PagesOn June 25, 1950, forces from communist controlled North Korea, led my Kim Il-sung, invaded South Korea in a surprise full out invasion aimed at re-unifying the divided country under the communist style government. As a member state of the United Nations, South Koreaââ¬â¢s call for help allowed the member states and most importantly the United States to militarily intervene to stem the advancement of both North Ko reaââ¬â¢s aggression as well as the influence of communism into Asia. Of course, a little
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Chronological Age And Functional Age - 1750 Words
Late adulthood is portrayed in prints, TV and other popular media from various perspectives. In general, they are depicted as wise, stubborn, love to give advice, have difficulty performing regular physical activities, some are even in wheelchairs or using assisted canes, and have lots of stories to tell. It s the period of time when people are supposed to become slower, to get more obsessive, needy, and look confused most of the time. However, this period has interesting facts to educate each and every one of us. We are all going to get there, one way or another. Chronological age vs functional age Everyone grows and ages differently. That is why chronological age is a flawed tool to use to check a personââ¬â¢s functional age. There is a vast variation between chronological age and functional age. Chronological age is essentially a person s biological age, while functional age is used to dictate the actual competence and performance of an individual. For example, a 70-year-old can actually appear younger than a 55-year-old (Berk 443). Life Expectancy Chronological age doesn t show an accurate functional age because people age at different rates. The average life expectancy is the number of years that a person can expect to live based on his birth year and the region he lives in. Over the years, there have actually been dramatic raise in the average life expectancy. Qualities in lifespan varies followed: -A nation s efficient housing, health care, social services,Show MoreRelatedThe Themes Listed Under Functional Age1294 Words à |à 6 PagesResearch and Analysis The research analysis will now discuss the themes listed under functional age. It will elaborate on how biological, psychological and sociological factors contribute towards describing the definition of what it is to be old. As stated in my introduction, functional age has advantages over chronological age by better measuring the capabilities of an individual. Seniors are often stereotyped and underestimated that has led it to being generalized across the elder population.Read MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Early Mobility1487 Words à |à 6 Pagesmobility in the ICU are briefly discussed below. â⬠¢ Functional mobility and muscle strength: Up to 25% to 50% of ICU patients can develop neuromuscular weakness in the ICU and this can last for years after hospital discharge. Early mobilization therapy is the evidence-based intervention recommended to prevent or ameliorate ICU-acquired weakness. Early mobility and rehabilitation in the ICU is associated with improved muscle strength and functional mobility [23-26]. A randomized trial which comparedRead MoreA Research Study On Successful Aging919 Words à |à 4 PagesSuccessful aging is a complicated and multifaceted concept that varies contextually among individuals, disciplines, and even time. Gerontologists have traditionally considered a person to have aged successfully upon having reached old age with their physical health, mental well-being and spirit still intact. Ultimately, successful aging is a matter of personal perspective, largely influenced by an individual s values and experiences. Even those within America s el derly population hold conflictingRead MoreAging And Cognition Short Paper Essay2152 Words à |à 9 Pagesthe most valid and representative measurement of age. Chronological age has often been the standard measurement for conducting aging research, especially when focusing on comparisons between younger adults and older adults. However, several studies have shown that this measure alone may not be the most valid or best way to predict declines in cognitive functioning. From more recent studies, it seems that time to death instead of chronological age may be the best predictor of cognitive declines. OtherRead MoreResume Checklist911 Words à |à 4 Pages a) Keep an unfailing eye on the appearance: Mind you, it is an attribute that would make your resume or CV look quite different from the rest which would be waiting on the desk of the employers. It should have an appeal in it. We are living in an age where looks matter the most. To add that zing to your resume, you can choose to make a visual CV that would instantly captivate the employer. You can choose to make the hard copy of your resume appealing enough with decent style. Take care of the bulletsRead MoreIs Gerontology A Multidisciplinary Study?975 Words à |à 4 Pagesa person ages. Everyone comes from a different background, different genetics, and goes through different life experiences. This is why no one person can be aged using the same method. The most common way people measure age is through chronological age. Chronological age is simply counting the amount of literal years a person has been alive for. This method of measuring aging is not effective in comparing peoplesà ¢â¬â¢ ages. More effective processes to measure aging are ââ¬Å"biological (functional capacity)Read MoreExploring The Individual Experiences Of An Older Adult878 Words à |à 4 PagesEdgarââ¬â¢s home. Throughout the interview, we discussed Edgarââ¬â¢s personal experiences with ageism, the physical and psychological effects of aging, family and social supports in old age, and the transition from work to retirement. While his experiences with personal aging are similar to that of many other individuals his age, his experience as full-time male caregiver offers unique insight into an unofficial occupation dominated by women. Edgar is one of five siblings, however one of his brothers diedRead MoreSchizophreni A Longitudinal Pattern Recognition1534 Words à |à 7 Pagespatients and 386 healthy patients. The ages of the patients ranged from 16 to 67 years old. The Support Vector Regression model was set to recognize brain tissue patterns that are associated with aging, and it then uses an algorithm to organize and convert the data of each brain image into a predicted brain age. Subjects began the study by participating in a baseline MRI. The resulting baseline images of healthy patients were used to form a predicted brain age via the SVR based on the gray matter densityRead MoreExamination / Language Evaluation By Her Mother1112 Words à |à 5 PagesJacqueline Turn, age 4 years 2 months, was referred for a speech/language evaluation by her mother. Her mother reports that she concerned about Jacquelineââ¬â¢s ability to ââ¬Å"make sounds right.â⬠BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. Case history information: Jacquelineââ¬â¢s mother completed a case history form. She indicated that she had a normal pregnancy, but Jacqueline was born one month premature. Jacquelineââ¬â¢s mother also wrote that Jaqueline had numerous ear infections between the age of one and two, which wereRead MoreThe Oral Motor Functional Development Essay746 Words à |à 3 Pages Introduction: The oral motor functional development is a complex process that starts since the prenatal stage and it consolidates on the postnatal period. The oral motor functions in early childhood (OMF) are part of the thin oral adaptive development, heavily depending on the central nervous system. At birth, oral appliance acts as a complete functional unit and the breastfeeding practice will favor the OMF coordination (sucking, swallowing), oral motor activity and the craniofacial growth. From
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