Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Water And Hygiene Situation Of Rural Northeastern...

Subject: Confronting the Water and Hygiene Situation in Rural Northeastern Madagascar There is this concept of gotong rolong in many Malaysian communities, and it roughly translates to â€Å"to do good for the community with the community.† It is essential that as government officials, NGOs, and local members of the community work together to work with the community to ensure the sustainability of water systems and hygiene practices. As a community, it is important to identify the most common and hazardous issues and find long term solutions to them. The water and hygiene situation of rural northeastern Madagascar is unacceptably poor and changes must be made. Water is a basic human need, and having access to clean and safe drinking water is a right every individual should have. Not only have the needs of these communities been taken into full consideration, the financial and health effect are also addressed in this memorandum. The majority of the communities and some households have a relatively new or brand new pump, however, a little less than three-fourths of those pumps are no longer in service. Not only should each community should take responsibility to properly educate its inhabitants about maintaining and repairing the pump. Furthermore, when considering the labor required to construct the pumps, the local workers should not be at risk, and proper safety measures must be enforced. Due to the increased amount of rainfall in the past few years, rainwater collection should

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